We are good friends as well as colleagues and you benefit from education with us as a team.

Samantha Gunn

Samantha is a mum to 4 teenagers and an experienced birth and postpartum doula whose personal and professional experience with hypnobirthing inspired her to become a Hypnobirthing Practitioner.

Samantha hypnobirthed one of her four births and was surprised at the difference it made. Her own hypnobirth was amazingly positive and calm, and her daughter was so relaxed at birth she fell asleep almost immediately! Since becoming a doula, Samantha has supported clients who have been through various models of antenatal education and believes her hypnobirthing clients were prepared with the tools and mindset for a positive birth no matter how things unfolded.

Samantha loves learning and sharing her knowledge and skills to help families achieve a positive birth and a smooth transition to life as parents. In addition to her doula and hypnobirthing practitioner qualifications, Samantha is also a certified hypnotherapist, and holds qualifications in acupressure, Spinning Babies, Optimal Maternal Positioning and baby massage.Education with Samantha combines the comprehensive, evidence-based content of the course and her skills and experience as a doula. She presents the course in a calm and pragmatic way helping you feel inspired, prepared and empowered to meet your baby.

You can find out more about Samantha as a doula at samanthagunndoula.com

Lauren Balsillie

Lauren is a qualified Hypnobirthing Practitioner and doula based on Sydney’s North Shore. She has supported many women who have used the Hypnobirthing techniques and tools to have amazing births. Lauren knows firsthand that preparing women throughout their pregnancies and leading up to their births with Hypnobirthing principals, means that no matter how women’s births unfold, women feel confident and positive about their options and choices.

In addition to her work, Lauren is a mum to four busy kids and knows first hand the juggle of motherhood. She felt underprepared for her first birth and is driven with a passion to help families go into their births and postpartum feeling positive, confident and empowered.

You can find out more about Lauren as a doula at laurenmaydoula.com