Hypnobirthing FAQs

What is hypnobirthing? 

No matter what path your birth journey takes – from a natural hospital birth to an induction birth to a caesarean birth to a home birth – Hypnobirthing empowers you to have the best birth experience possible.

In the words of Melissa Spilsted, Founder of Hypnobirthing Australia, "Hypnobirthing is just a fancy name for “positive birth". Hypnobirthing helps you to reframe or positively condition your mind about birth so you can approach your birthing day with calm, confidence.

Hypnobirthing Australia teaches parents about pregnancy, labour and what to expect during birth in a positive and practical way. It uses evidence based techniques to reduce fear and anxiety about birth, increasing the confidence of the birthing woman and preparing them for their journey into parenthood. 

What are the tools and techniques that Hypnobirthing Australia will teach me?

  • movement - spiralling the hips, positions for labour, active birthing

  • vocalisation

  • specific breathing techniques for each stage of labour

  • massage

  • acupressure

  • creating a conducive birth environment

  • using water, heat, TENS, rebozo

  • birth preferences 

  • diet and nutrition

  • staying active in pregnancy

  • optimising baby's position.

Does hypnobirthing mean I will experience a pain-free birth?

A pain free birth is not something any educator or doula can ever promise, however being able to manage birth and labour using the tools that Hypnobirthing teaches can significantly reduce people’s perception of pain. 

As doulas Samantha and Ellen often talk to their client’s about the pain of labour being “for a purpose”. It’s about using the strong sensations that a woman’s body is experiencing and having the tools to manage these sensations. Studies show that when women experience less fear during their pregnancy and labour, labour’s are often shorter and the sensation of pain is much less, and doing Hypnobirthing Australia can definately reduce women’s fear and anxiety leading up to birth.  

Is hypnobirthing just for people planning a natural, drug-free birth? 

No. A natural birth definitely has short- and long-term benefits for you and your baby, which we discuss in the course. However, the information and tools we give you will help you to have a positive birth experience, no matter how it unfolds. There's even a change of circumstances / positive caesarean Hypnobirthing Australia course for people having a planned caesarean birth.

What is the Hypnobirthing Australia course curriculum? 

There are four units of approximately 3 hours each:

  • Creating & maintaining a positive mindset

  • Our toolkit for birth

  • Preparation & choices for empowered birthing

  • Birth - bringing it all together.

There is a mix of theory and practical, giving you a chance to get hands on and put the tools into action.

We have several beautiful birth videos showing Australian and NZ couples who have done the course using the tools. Samantha and Ellen also use examples of supporting many women during their labour and births, and how Hypnobirthing Australia has helped many of these families achieve their birth goals.

See the our Courses Page for the full details of what's covered in each unit.

When is the best time to do the course? 

Anytime from 22-38 weeks. The more time you have to practise the better really.

Do I have to attend with my partner? 

If you don't have a partner or your partner is unable to attend you may like to consider bringing along a doula, friend or family member who might be able to support you in labour.

If your partner is the person who is going to be supporting you in labour, it is highly recommend that they do the course with you. A big component of the course is showing them how they can be a really great support, keeping you feeling safe, loved and comfortable throughout labour and birth

Still have questions?

Contact us and we’ll be happy to discuss any aspect of our amazing education